Can Microsoft Teams do call center?

Microsoft Teams for Customer Support

Can Microsoft Teams do call center

Understanding Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams, a popular communications and collaboration platform has changed the way that organizations collaborate and communicate within their team. It offers a variety of options for collaboration and internal communication but Can Microsoft Teams do call center? Let’s examine the capabilities and drawbacks.

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Does Microsoft Teams support call centers

Can Microsoft Teams do call center?

Can Microsoft Teams do call center? Microsoft Teams supports customer interaction work streams as the central point of both external and internal customer connections through its various communication channels such as video chat, chat and phone calls. For certain organizations, Microsoft Teams’ cloud voice capabilities, which include auto attendants and call queues, satisfy their requirements.
For businesses that need solutions that integrate workflows and business tools to improve customer experience Contact center integration with Microsoft Teams allows Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) solution providers to integrate their services to Teams.

What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams can be described as a private business communications platform that was developed by Microsoft as a part of the Microsoft 365 range of products. Teams is primarily competing with Slack, a similar service. Slack which offers videoconferencing and workspace chat as well as storage for files, and application integration.

Benefits of Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a popular enterprise communication platform, which offers many advantages, including:
  • Improved communication and collaboration: Teams make it easier for users to collaborate and communicate with one another. Chatters can chat, participate in video calls, and even share files among themselves within Teams. This will help enhance communication and collaboration between teams as well as across the entire organization.

  • Increased productivity: Teams can boost productivity by giving them one location to collaborate, communicate and share files. This could help cut down how much time users have to switch between applications, and searching for data.

  • Reduced costs: Teams could aid in reducing business expenses through the elimination of the need to buy and maintain separate collaboration and communication tools. The Teams cloud is a platform which means that businesses don’t have to purchase their own hardware or software.

  • Security: Teams is a secure platform that employs a range of different security methods to guard the data of users. The Team is also in compliance with various regulatory requirements in the industry, including HIPAA as well as GDPR.

  • Scalability: Teams is a flexible platform that can be utilized by companies of all sizes. Teams can easily be increased or decreased to meet the demands of the company.

  • Ease of use: Teams is an intuitive platform that can be utilized by people of all levels. Teams offers an easy and intuitive interface that is easy to begin with.
Apart from these benefits, Teams also offers a range of additional options that could be beneficial to businesses, for example:
  • Integration with other Microsoft applications
Teams integrates with a variety of other Microsoft applications, such as Microsoft Office, OneDrive, and SharePoint. This allows users to access the information they need from within Teams.
  • Third-party integrations
Teams also integrates with a variety of third-party applications, such as Salesforce, Zendesk, and Jira. This allows businesses to use Teams with their existing tools and workflows.
  • Customization
Teams can be customized to meet the specific needs of the business. Businesses can create custom teams, channels, and apps.

Disadvantages of Microsoft Teams

Here are some negatives to Microsoft Teams:
  1. Learning curve: TThe learning curve for Teams can be difficult to master, particularly for those who aren’t experienced with Microsoft products. There are numerous functions and features to master and it may be a long time before you become accustomed to the user-friendly interface.

  2. Limited features: The Teams platform may not come with all the features that certain companies need. For instance, Teams does not have a CRM system built in or tools for managing projects. Companies that require these tools may require third-party integrations.

  3. Performance issues: Teams may occasionally experience performance issues particularly when there are many users utilizing the platform simultaneously. This could result in delays in loading as well as lag and disconnected connections.

  4. Cost: Teams can be costly for businesses that have a high quantity of customers. The cost of a Team is determined by the amount of people as well as the features needed.

  5. Vendor lock-in: Teams is a Microsoft product, which means that companies that utilize Teams could be stuck in that Microsoft ecosystem. This means it will be costly and difficult switching to a different platform in the near future.
Disadvantages of Microsoft Teams
In addition to these negatives There have also been instances of security issues in Teams. But, Microsoft is constantly working to enhance Teams’ security. Teams have issued a variety of patches to fix known weaknesses.

Can Microsoft Teams Support Calling?

In the initial version, Microsoft Teams gives companies the capability of making VoIP calls. If you’d like to use more advanced features like cloud-based call queues or auto attendants, you’ll need to upgrade to the Microsoft Teams calling plan. But even the options for calling plans provided by Microsoft Teams are somewhat limited for those who want to utilize it to communicate with customers.
Microsoft isn’t a communications firm and therefore, you won’t have the same communications capabilities from the brands that you’d expect from a well-established UC brand. It’s good news, Microsoft doesn’t require businesses to use its native call services to connect with their phone system. It is possible to combine your experience on Teams with the features of a phone that you need with direct routing.
Direct routing is a great option for businesses who want to benefit from Microsoft Teams’ unique benefits and still make use of the calling features. Through Microsoft Teams direct routing, you can mix collaboration and unification of communications all in one location

Building a Microsoft Teams Contact Center

Direct routing in Microsoft Teams doesn’t just open the way to more functional business phones. With the help of the right organization it is possible to develop a complete contact center in Microsoft Teams. The most innovative companies such as Geomant take the concept of direct routing using Microsoft Teams to give you an all-inclusive UC as well as CCaaS solution.
A customized contact center solution such as Geomant’s Buzzeasy for Teams delivers all the basic features of an engaging contact center together with other tools. For example, you could connect your solution for contact center to other platforms for omnichannel conversation such as SMS, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.
Furthermore, businesses have access to transformational tools such as:
  • Intelligent digital route planning powered by AI
  • Engage your customers in a proactive manner through their preferred method of communication
  • Simple management of channels for voice, email videos, email, and social
  • Connections to essential apps like Microsoft Dynamics or Salesforce
  • 360-degree management of the customer journey
  • Self-service support using AI and bots
  • Monitoring of performance with Power BI
  • Complete customization options via APIs
A dependable contact center that works with Microsoft Teams delivered through direct routing encompasses everything from chatbots and self-service in the time of CX to digital channel alignment and voice. This is the best way to reap the maximum profit from Microsoft 365.

Bringing the Contact Centre to Microsoft Teams

Direct routing is an excellent option for business leaders to increase the functionality and capabilities of Microsoft Teams investments. It is possible for companies to begin by using direct routing to link their collaboration strategies with the business phone feature.
With the help of the best software provider You could even enhance the investment you have made in Microsoft Teams to the next level and get all the modern capabilities for contact centers you need. The top companies in the industry such as Geomant cooperate together with Microsoft to provide you with the best experience for your employees and clients. Additionally, you will get the benefits of back-end support from a market leader in communications.
You can have the flexible and scalable contact center you require and also the easy Microsoft Teams functionality that your agents would like.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are two kinds of call center options for teams:

  • Features for native call centers: Microsoft Teams offers a number of native call center options, including auto attendant and call routing, as well as call queuing, recording, and report reporting. These features are available in every Microsoft Teams license.

  • Integration of solution for call centers: Microsoft Teams also supports various integrations with other call center solutions. These applications can also provide additional functions and features including predictive dialing as well as CRM integration, customer relations management (CRM) integration and management of workforce.


Yes, you are able to use Microsoft Teams as a call center. It has a variety of features that are useful for call center operators, including:

  • Automated attendants: Microsoft Teams auto attendant can take calls and answer in response to inputs from callers for example, like the caller’s ID or pressing a key.

  • Routing calls: Microsoft Teams can route calls to agents, or even groups according to aspects like skill level and availability or even language.

  • Queuing of calls: Microsoft Teams can queue calls until an agent becomes available.

  • Recording calls: Microsoft Teams can record calls to be used for training or quality control reasons.

  • Reporting on calls: Microsoft Teams provides reports on the volume of calls, duration of calls as well as other metrics for call centers.


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