Our contact center solution stores email messages and interaction activity in cases that are associated with every contact that interacts with your agents. Having all your contacts’ messages and history in one place on the unified Agent Desktop helps your agents to both complete their interactions and save them for later. Using our convenient follow-up tools, agents can easily flag emails that they have already replied to and save them for future handling.
Revisit past conversations at any time and pick up where you left off by directing follow-up calls or emails to customers. These follow-ups keep your contact center connected to customers even after the interaction is over, even if they choose not to respond. The ability to flag cases for follow-up also helps keep your customers in the loop regarding problem resolution or updates of new developments.
If agents have the privilege to use the Agent Desktop calendar, agents can schedule specific times to send follow-ups. In our intuitive GUI, agents simply flag an email and set the follow-up details and reminders to their calendars. Such scheduling tools keep agents organized and accountable for all the cases they handle.
- Easily follow-up on cases, emails, and past interactions
- Email customers with updates, news, reminders, and more
- Schedule follow-ups on the Agent Desktop calendar
- Flag emails for follow-up
Using the email service queue, messages can be either pushed to “ready” agents or placed into a shared queue for assigned agents to pull
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The time remaining before a service level commitment is breached is used to prioritize messages in the queue
[/bsf-info-box][bsf-info-box icon=”icomoon-HAWCONS-laughing-face2″ icon_size=”50″ icon_color=”#3498dc” icon_animation=”fadeIn” title=”KEYWORD AND SENTIMENT ROUTING” read_more=”more” link=”|title:Keyword%20and%20Sentiment%20Routing||” read_text=”Learn More” hover_effect=”style_2″ pos=”top” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” title_font_size=”desktop:18px;” desc_font_size=”desktop:18px;” desc_font_line_height=”desktop:28px;” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]
Keywords and sentiment values extracted by Natural Language Understanding could be used to route and prioritize messages
[/bsf-info-box][bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-folder-open” icon_size=”50″ icon_color=”#3498dc” icon_animation=”fadeIn” title=”AUTOMATIC CASE CREATION AND TRACKING” read_more=”more” link=”|title:Automatic%20Case%20Creation%20and%20Tracking||” read_text=”Learn More” hover_effect=”style_2″ pos=”top” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” title_font_size=”desktop:18px;” desc_font_size=”desktop:18px;” desc_font_line_height=”desktop:28px;” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]
Each message is kept in a case—a virtual folder that is automatically created and updated—with the history of all communications with all related parties, irrespective of channel
[/bsf-info-box][bsf-info-box icon=”icomoon-METALIC-reply” icon_size=”50″ icon_color=”#3498dc” icon_animation=”fadeIn” title=”FOLLOW-UP QUEUE” read_more=”more” link=”|title:Follow-up%20Queue||” read_text=”Learn More” hover_effect=”style_2″ pos=”top” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” title_font_size=”desktop:18px;” desc_font_size=”desktop:18px;” desc_font_line_height=”desktop:28px;” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]
Agents can mark replied-to cases for follow-up, and return to them at a later date to prod unresponsive parties or update customers of new developments
[/bsf-info-box][bsf-info-box icon=”icomoon-HAWCONS-book-bookmark2″ icon_size=”50″ icon_color=”#3498dc” icon_animation=”fadeIn” title=”BUILD-IN KNOWLEDGE BASE” read_more=”more” link=”|title:Built-in%20Knowledge%20Base||” read_text=”Learn More” hover_effect=”style_2″ pos=”top” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” title_font_size=”desktop:18px;” desc_font_size=”desktop:18px;” desc_font_line_height=”desktop:28px;” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]
A built-in Knowledge Base helps maintain training levels and consistency of replies. Knowledge Base supports full text search, use frequency, and content import and export
The choice of enterprises of all sizes and across various industries

We are happy to answer questions, discuss specific workflows and requirements on a live presentation online, describe core benefits, or set up a pilot project to trial our applications without paying any license fees. Let Bright Pattern’s call center solution help you change the pattern of customer service
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