Why You Need Interactive Voice Response With your CCaaS

For all businesses regardless of industry, customer service is paramount. Traditional call centers are costly, but yours doesn’t have to be. When you choose CCaaS, or “contact center as a service,” you get call center benefits without on-premise costs. CCaaS refers to call center software hosted in the cloud. You’ll have a powerful call center […]

What Are the Advantages of an AI-powered Omnichannel Contact Center?

Omnichannel contact center solutions have already upended the custom care scene. They’re providing shorter wait times, faster resolutions, and more profits. It turns out that a comprehensive care experience seamlessly translating across all mediums is effective – who knew? However, integration with the power of AI can take omnichannel care even further. In this article, […]

New CX Metrics for Today’s Digital World

The customer experience (CX) is increasingly digital with over 95% of customer interactions starting on websites. Forrester research shows that customers are using and hopping between an increasing number of channels,

Revolutionizing Contact Center Quality Assurance

You can’t improve what you can’t measure. During our recent webinar with Alpa Shah, Global VP from Frost & Sullivan, Alpa noted that improving the customer experience was the No. 1 business goal, but ironically most companies don’t measure the quality of customer experience interactions.

The Future of Remote Workforces

Interest in deploying a remote workforce went through the roof during the COVID-19 pandemic that spread around the globe. Many countries were put into lockdown, forcing businesses to turn to work-from-home alternatives to keep up with business operations.

Omnichannel CX Tip #8: Use AI and Automation to Fix Poor CSAT “In the Moment”

This tip uses AI to monitor every interaction on every channel using sentiment to passively measure quality, and then act. When an interaction on any channel—voice, text, chat, email, social messengers—has sentiment that is low, the interaction can be identified “in the moment” and routed to a retention specialist (or someone specialized with the skill set to handle the situation). The specialist can then immediately review the interaction and proactively reach out to the customer to see if everything in their last interaction was handled properly.