How to Enhance Customer Service in Your Call Center

Customer service is more important now than ever, especially in the contact center space. Customer service is a representation of your brand image, mission, and values. In fact, many customers stay loyal to certain brands due to the quality of the brand’s customer service, and customer retention is oftentimes more important than customer acquisition.

2021 Trends – Forecasting the Return to “Normal”

There have been so many buzzwords that describe the economy during the pandemic. Words like uncertain, uncharted, chaotic, and “the new normal,” are floating around, but what does the post-pandemic “normal” look like and how will that affect CX? Let’s start by taking a look at some of the data before COVID-19 landed in the US.

2021 Trends – Be Prepared For Anything

Let’s be honest, no one was prepared for a global shut down due to the pandemic. Contact centers that relied on outsourcing calls and other channels overseas—instead of relying on work from home agents—were blindsided when the virus spread like wildfire to other countries.

The ABCs of the Post-Pandemic Contact Center

2020. What else can we say that hasn’t been said already? The year 2020 should be entered into the dictionary as a noun, a verb and an adjective to mark an era, the action of utter uncertainty and describe something that is unfathomable.