Use of Digital Channels in Service Management

Clients and employees are constantly on the go. Modern life is fast-paced and busy. Many people have grown accustomed to quick communication and mobile device use, and expect service providers and businesses to keep up with them.

Why is Quality Assurance so Important for a Business?

In the world of business, the customer is king. Many businesses need to respond to changes in the needs and wants of their consumers, or else they will fall behind. Customer service is a critical part of a business’s success, with many businesses becoming shining stars in their respective industries due to the exceptional quality of their customer service.

Industry Analyst Omdia Ranks Bright Pattern #1

Omdia, formerly known as Ovum, is a leading industry analyst and consultancy firm based in London, England. As part of their annual Decision Matrix and Multichannel Cloud Contact Center Buyer’s Guide, Omdia evaluates top multichannel cloud contact center vendors based on the company’s technology, execution, and market impact.

How to Connect Remote Employees

The implementation of a virtual call center allows your call center agents to set up a traditional call center in the comfort of their home office.

How to Immediately Supplement Your Call Center During a Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented disruption to industries around the world, and the call center industry is no exception. Call centers are seeing spikes in call volume and trying to understand how to keep staff safe and productive. Companies are looking for fast  solutions that will support changing needs during the pandemic as well [...]

Call Center Recording Software

recording software

“This call may be monitored or recorded for quality assurance purposes” is something we’ve all heard on the phone when dialing in with a company’s customer service department. But what does this sentence mean? What are they recording and how are they using it? And what are the legal implications of it? 

Contact Center Buyers Guide: Recommendations from Frost & Sullivan

Contact Center Buyers Guide

We are in the customer experience era, and without a winning customer experience strategy, you will be left in the dust. More and more companies are elevating their customer experience by moving to the cloud, beginning a digital transformation, and investing in technology that helps agents provide effortless and personalized experiences. Whether it’s by implementing […]

Digital Customer Experience: The Next Wave of CX Channels

Digital Customer Experience

Providing an excellent digital customer experience strategy has never been more critical. Gartner reports that 81% of executives believe they compete on customer experience above price and quality. With large corporations investing in and acknowledging the effectiveness of a stellar customer experience, it’s never been more important to understand how to deliver digital customer experience […]