A Guide To Improving Your Customer Experience

Improving the customer experience is important for any business or company that wants to achieve success in today’s digital age. Many distinguished analysts and studies have shown just how important CX is for businesses in the upcoming decade. For example, one study by PricewaterhouseCoopers found that 86% of buyers were willing to pay more for great customer service. Another analyst found that by the end of 2020, customer experience will overtake product quality and price of the item as the key brand differentiator. So what can your brand do to improve your customer experience?

Getting Customer Feedback

One of the best ways to improve your customer experience is to get customer feedback. Getting customer feedback allows you to gain insight into what customers think of the CX that your business provides. Getting customer feedback can be challenging, however, as many customers prefer to skip surveys and questionnaires, and trying to manually collect feedback can cost agents and contact centers tons of time and money.

To get customer feedback easily and effectively, your contact center platform needs to have automation capabilities to automate the collection of feedback and sending of surveys. Your call center software also needs to have omnichannel capabilities to send surveys on any digital channel that the customer is communicating on, like SMS, text messaging, messenger apps, and email. By automating the collection of customer feedback and using low-effort customer surveys, your call center can gain great insight into contact center performance and your supervisors can pinpoint specific areas of friction during the customer journey that they can improve upon.

Using Effective Metrics and KPIs

In conjunction with customer feedback, measuring contact center performance with useful metrics and key performance indicators can further help your call center pinpoint key areas for improvement. Metrics and KPIs like average call handling time, first call resolution percentage, call abandonment rates, average hold times, and average call idling time can help your contact center supervisors pinpoint areas for improvement and identify key areas of friction in the end-user journey within your call center.

Omnichannel Quality Management

In addition to effectively utilizing KPIs and metrics, your contact center should also measure the quality of 100% of interactions on all channels. With Bright Pattern’s omnichannel platform, for example, your contact center can monitor 100% of interactions on all channels with Bright Pattern’s Omni QM technology. Utilize AI, sentiment, and text analysis to analyze interactions on channels like voice, SMS, webchat, messenger apps, and more. Call recordings and interaction history is stored and seamlessly synced with your integrated CRM so your supervisors can review interaction history later. Get unified dashboards with easy-to-understand reporting and make monitoring all channels easy and frictionless.

Tailoring the Customer Journey

Customers often have a wide range of issues or requests that they contact your business about, and each customer is different from the next. With the right contact center platform, you can tailor the customer journey to specific issues that the customer has. With Bright Pattern’s platform, for example, you can access drag-and-drop scenario builders to help tailor the customer journey to specific touchpoints and steps. This means that customers with different requests or issues can be led through different, unique journeys that can help streamline their experience and allow them to get the answers or resolutions that they need more quickly.

Tailoring the journey and understanding the customer can improve the customer experience by making the journey more personalized for their issue, lead them to resolutions more quickly, and make the customer journey more frictionless and effortless.

Improving the Customer Experience with Bright Pattern

Bright Pattern’s call center software is designed for contact centers to provide the best possible customer experience with effective call center tools. Bright Pattern has many advanced tools and features, like AI-powered self-service, omnichannel capabilities, and integration with WFM and WFO solutions, that will help empower agents, streamline contact center operations, and improve the customer experience. Bright Pattern’s call center software can power any business use case to improve customer experience and improve contact center operations.

To see the full list of features that you can get access to with Bright Pattern’s call center software.

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