Why Virtual Call Center Software is the Right Choice

Virtual call centers are a must in today’s CX industry. Many businesses, from large enterprises to hot start-ups, are making the switch to a virtual setup. Call center software, once based in large, on-premise facilities, are now migrating to the cloud. But why are so many businesses opting to make the switch to a virtual setup? What makes a virtual call center the right choice over an on-premise setup? In this blog, we explore the reasons why a virtual call center setup is the right choice over a traditional, on-premise solution.

Business Continuity

One of the best reasons why virtual call center software is the right choice is business continuity. In an event of a disaster or emergency, virtual call center software is able to support agents quickly from the home office, allowing call center operations to continue even when on-site facilities close. The global COVID-19 health pandemic highlights this, with many governments and health officials around the world instituting lockdowns to curb the spread of the virus and keep communities healthy. Through a remote call center, many businesses were able to continue providing excellent customer service without skipping a beat. Virtual call center software allows agents to move to the home office seamlessly and effortlessly, while still allowing agents to be just as productive as they were in the office. Even when the COVID-19 health pandemic ends in the future, remote call center software allows your business to continue going in future emergency situations, like natural disasters.

More Functionality, Less Cost

A virtual call center setup also lowers overhead and IT staff costs. By basing call center software on cloud data centers, the need for on-staff IT professionals and maintenance costs for hardware and software goes away. A virtual call center will make your CX operations cheaper and more efficient.

With a traditional, on-premise solution, businesses often had to upgrade the hardware and software on their own, which made upgrading technology very expensive. New, emerging channels had to be bolted on to existing systems, which made the system complex and disjointed. Housing the software and hardware also came with overhead costs, like electricity and space. Finally, businesses had to have an on-site IT staff to ensure everything ran smoothly in their contact center. These costs combined often made having the latest CX technology expensive to have, and barred smaller businesses from accessing advanced technology, like new channels of interaction and AI capabilities.

With a virtual solution, smaller businesses can access the latest tools and gadgets to ensure their customer service is top notch and modern. For large businesses and enterprises, a virtual solution cuts costs significantly. A virtual solution means businesses and enterprises no longer need to dedicate part of their budget to dedicated IT, hardware and software maintenance, and overhead costs. With a combination of unlimited functionality and reduced costs, a virtual solution will always be the right choice from an economic standpoint.

Fast Access to the Latest Tech

A virtual solution, based on the cloud, means upgrades are fast and easy. With a traditional, on-premise solution, adopting new technology means having to purchase and install new hardware and software. Due to the static nature of an on-premise solution, new technology and channels of communication are often bolted-on to existing solutions, leading to a disjointed experience and an almost unmanageable system.

With a virtual solution, your business can get access to the latest in CX technology right when it is released with only an internet connection. Since virtual solutions are often based on large, reliable networks, like Amazon Web Services, the latest technology can be accessed instantly and reliably. New technology and channels for interaction can be added seamlessly, leading to a unified, seamless experience for both the agent and customer when using new technology and digital channels.

Unlimited Flexibility

Last, but not least, a virtual solution provides almost limitless flexibility for your contact center. A virtual solution, since it is based on a massive cloud provider, can be sized up and down depending on how big your contact center is. This is perfect for businesses with seasonal needs. For holiday seasons or peak seasons, businesses can increase the number of seats instantly and adapt to the increased demand. When peak seasons end, businesses can decrease the number of seats once again. All of this is seamless on a virtual solution, where businesses can increase and decrease seats on demand.

Bright Pattern’s Virtual Solution

Bright Pattern’s cloud contact center is the solution for businesses that want to switch to a virtual call center. Bright Pattern’s virtual call center software provides the latest tech with none of the hassle, powering your CX operations and ensuring high quality experiences on every interaction. Utilizing AI, omnichannel, and quality assurance technology, Bright Pattern is one of the most advanced virtual solutions on the market.

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