What is cloud based contact center?

Cloud Based Contact Centers: Give Businesses The Flexibility To Provide Better Customer Experiences

What is cloud based contact center

Cloud Contact Center: What Is It & How Does It Work?

Technology is constantly evolving and each day it becomes more advanced, which means more flexibility, savings and ease of use for all kinds of businesses. Contact centers are beginning to see the benefits from cloud-based services.
In the process, they are moving towards automated and reliable cloud centers to meet the changing needs of customers behavior and adaptable business models.
In today’s world of the internet cloud contact centers allow businesses to have quick and easy access to all the resources and tools they require to connect with customers. Before we get into the benefits and functions of a cloud-based contact center Let’s find out what is cloud based contact center? What specifically is it?

Table of Contents

Cloud based contact center

What is cloud based contact center?

What is cloud based contact center? A cloud-based call center is a contact center that makes use of cloud computing to offer its services. That means, the contact center’s hardware, software, and data are stored at a remote location instead of on premises. Agents will typically use cloud-based contact centers to take incoming calls and make outgoing calls using their personal computers.
Contrary to VoIP for business, cloud-based contact centers facilitate customer communication across a variety of channels, including telephone text, email, social media and many more. It comes with advanced features that can’t get in an on-premises phone system.

How Does Cloud Based Contact Center Work?

A cloud-based contact center is a contact center that makes use of cloud computing to provide its services. That means, the call center’s hardware, software and data are hosted at a remote location instead of on premises.
Below are some steps to how a cloud-based contact center functions:
  1. The business is reached by a customer via phone via email, chat or via social media.
  2. The cloud-based contact center software takes in the message from the customer and relays it to the correct agent.
  3. The agent talks to the customer and solves their problem.
  4. The cloud-based contact center software tracks the contact and records it to refer to it in the future.

Cloud Based Contact Center Architecture

The cloud’s architecture contact center may differ based on the specific service however, there are a few basic components. These are:
  • Contact center software: Contact center software is at the heart part of this solution. It has the capabilities and features agents need to be able to interact with customers, for example chat, call routing and email.

  • Contact center hardware: Hardware for the contact center includes servers, storage, as well as networking equipment utilized to run the software for contact centers.

  • Contact center network: The contact center network links hardware of the contact center along with software, to connect them on the web. It allows agents to communicate with customers as well as access the software for contact centers.

  • Contact center data: Contact center data comprises details about calls, customers and interactions. The data is stored on the hardware of the contact center and software.
The cloud-based contact center architecture has been designed so that it is flexible and scalable. This means that it is able to easily be adapted to the changing volume of calls or the demands of the organization.

Types of cloud contact center architecture

There are two major types of cloud-based contact center architectures:
  1. Private cloud: A private cloud is an online cloud service that is devoted to only one company. This kind of structure has more security and reliability, however it’s also more expensive.

  2. Public cloud: A public cloud is an application that runs on cloud technology and can be shared among multiple companies. This kind of architecture is more affordable, however it’s also less secure and stable.
Types of cloud contact center architecture

Technologies used in Cloud Based Contact Center

The cloud-based software for the contact center utilizes a range of technologies to provide its services, such as:
  • VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol): VoIP is used to send voice calls via the internet. This allows companies to reduce the cost of traditional telephone lines.

  • WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication): WebRTC is used to facilitate real-time communication with two or more people on the internet. Businesses can offer video and chat features in their contact centers.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI): AI is utilized to automate tasks within the contact center, like answering questions and directing calls. This lets agents concentrate on more complicated interactions with customers.

  • Machine learning: Machine learning to boost the efficiency of cloud-based call center applications. This is accomplished by analyzing information from previous interactions with customers and using that data to predict future interactions.

Cloud contact center vs. traditional contact center

Cloud contact centers are a contact center that makes use of cloud computing to provide its services. It means the contact center’s software equipment, hardware, as well as the data are hosted via a server located in a distant location instead of on premises.
Traditional contact centers are centers that rely on infrastructure located on premises to provide its services. That means the contact center’s hardware, software, and data are stored on the company’s servers.
Here’s a table to compare the two kinds of centers for contact:
Feature Cloud Contact Center Cloud Contact Center
  • Scalability
Easy to scale up or down as needed
Easy to scale up or down as needed
  • Cost-effectiveness
Typically more cost-effective
Can be more expensive
  • Flexibility
More flexible
Less flexible
  • Security
Just as secure as traditional contact centers
Can be less secure, depending on the security measures in place
  • Features
Offer a wider range of features and functionality
May offer fewer features and functionality
  • Maintenance
Less maintenance required
More maintenance required
In general, cloud-based contact centers provide a variety of different advantages over the traditional call centers. They can be more scalable and cost-effective, as well as flexible and secure. Furthermore, they have an array of capabilities and features.
Here are some major differences between cloud contact centers and traditional call centers:
  • Scalability: Cloud-based contact centers are able to scale down or up depending on the needs, making them perfect for businesses that have changing call volumes. Traditional contact centers are less scalable since businesses might require the purchase of additional equipment and software.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Cloud-based contact centers typically cost less than traditional contact centers because businesses don’t need to buy or maintain their own equipment and software. Traditional contact centers may be more expensive because companies must build their own facilities.

  • Flexibility:Cloud-based Contact centers can be more flexible than conventional contact centers, because businesses can connect to cloud contact centers from any location connected to the internet. Traditional contact centers aren’t as flexible because businesses have to be physically close to the center.

  • Security: Cloud contact centers are equally secure than traditional call centers because they utilize the same encryption techniques and security protocols. However, cloud-based contact centers could be more susceptible to cyberattacks because they are hosted on the web.

  • Features:  Cloud contact centers provide an array of capabilities and features over traditional call centers like multichannel communication, automated call routing, as well as speech analytics. Traditional contact centers might have less features and capabilities.

  • Maintenance: Cloud contact centers need less maintenance than traditional call centers since the provider is accountable for the maintenance of their hardware and software. Contact centers that are traditional require greater maintenance because businesses have maintained their own systems.

How Cloud-Based Contact Centers Improve Customer Experience

Before transitioning to the cloud After transitioning to the cloud
  • Customer communications are siloed across different departments and teams
  • Agents have access to all customer communications in a single integrated platform
  • Customers are limited to using a few fractured channels
  • Customers can reach out using their preferred channel, like calls, emails, text messaging, chatbots, and more
  • Call analytics data is reduced to single, incomplete data points
  • Deep analytics across all calls are readily available and easy to access
  • Callers spend a large part of their time on hold, waiting for the next available agent
  • Calls are routed smartly with less hold time and modern alternatives like automatic callback
  • Agent performance is difficult to measure, analyze, and improve
  • Agents receive better feedback and training based on real-time analytics and monitoring

Cloud Based Contact Center Features

Cloud contact centers can provide an array of sophisticated VoIP features that aren’t offered in on-premise call centers, such as:
  • Multi-channel support: Cloud contact centers let customers connect to companies via a variety of digital and voice channels, such as VoIP phone calls, chat, SMS, email along with social media. This makes for a more comfortable and flexible customer experience since customers can select the most suitable channel for them.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Cloud contact centers typically feature AI-powered functions like natural processing of language, IVR and IVA, automated self-service such as sentiment analysis, automated post-call summary. These features automatized by AI help decrease call volume, boost customer satisfaction and help eliminate the tedious tasks of agents. On-premise contact centers don’t typically have access to the latest AI technology.

  • Real-time analytics and reporting: CCaaS solutions deliver real-time information and analytics that allow you to analyze a myriad of contact center KPIs. They also assist businesses in understanding the behavior of their customers and enhance their operations.

  • Integration with other systems: Cloud contact centers are able to seamlessly integrate with other systems like ERP and CRM platforms, which makes it simpler to share customer information and improve processes. Contact centers on premises may require a significant effort to connect into other software systems.

  • Workforce management: CCaaS features such as call monitoring analytics, real-time schedule adherence monitoring and in-call coaching can enhance your company’s workforce optimization plan. These tools measure the performance of agents and anticipate workloads. They also swiftly take action to ensure that the agent’s and business goals are achieved.

  • Disaster recovery: CCaaS data is stored in the cloud and is available and recoverable. The top providers also provide built-in redundant network systems as well as automated backups of data and real-time monitoring of the network.
Benefits of Cloud Based Contact Centers

Benefits of Cloud Based Contact Centers

Cloud-based contact centers have numerous advantages over traditional, on-premises contact centers, for example:
  • Scalability: Cloud-based contact centers can be easily scaled either up or down depending on the requirements which makes them perfect for companies with high and fluctuating calls.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Cloud-based centers tend to be more affordable than traditional on-premises call centers since companies do not need to buy or maintain their own equipment and software.

  • Flexibility: Cloud-based contact centers offer more flexibility than conventional, on-premises contact centers because businesses are able to connect from anywhere using the internet.

  • Security: Cloud-based contact centers are the same secure and safe as conventional on-premise centers, because they use the same encryption protocols and security protocols.

  • Advanced features: Cloud-based contact centers offer an array of options and capabilities than traditional on-premises call centers for example, omnichannel communication as well as automatic call routing as well as speech analytics.
Cloud-based contact centers have numerous advantages over traditional, on-premises contact centers, for example:
Here are a few benefits that cloud-based customer service centers offer:
  • Reduced costs: Cloud-based call centers help businesses save costs on software, hardware and maintenance expenses. They do not need to buy as well as maintain their own call centers, and this could reduce their costs by a considerable amount of dollars.

  • Improved scalability: Cloud-based contact centers can be easily scaled and businesses are able to add or remove agents as required. This is great for businesses that have a fluctuating volume of calls.

  • Enhanced security: Cloud-based contact centers utilize identical security standards that traditional on-premises centers, which means that businesses can rest assured that their information is secure. Cloud providers also have the funds that can be invested in security. This can aid in protecting companies from cyber-attacks.

  • Increased flexibility: Cloud-based contact centers are able to be accessed from any location connected to the internet, which means that businesses can offer the customer with service 24 hours a day. This is great for companies that have a large customer base.

  • Improved customer experience: Cloud-based call centers can provide a wider array of capabilities and features like omnichannel communications as well as automatic call routing as well as speech analytics. These tools can help businesses enhance the experience of customers by offering customers the most convenient and personal method of contacting them.

How to Choose the Right Cloud Contact Center Vendor

The process of selecting the ideal cloud contact center service provider is a difficult job, but it’s crucial to do your homework and select a vendor that is able to meet your needs. Here are some things to think about when selecting the best cloud contact center service:
  • Your budget: Cloud contact center services may vary in cost which is why it is crucial to determine a budget before you begin your search.

  • Your needs: Think about what size you need for your company and the volume of calls you receive and the features that you require.

  • The vendor’s reputation: The reputation of the vendor Research to confirm that the vendor you select has a great reputation and a track record of offering reliable services.

  • The vendor’s features and functionality: Check to see if you have the features and capabilities you require, for example the omnichannel communications, automated call routing, as well as speech analytics.

  • The vendor’s security: Ensure that the vendor has robust secure measures that safeguard your personal information.

  • The vendor’s customer support: Ensure that the vendor provides an excellent customer support service should you require assistance regarding your account.

Why use cloud contact center?

Here are a few motives to think about using a cloud-based contact center system:
  • Reduced IT overhead: Cloud contact centers don’t require equipment or software, which means companies can cut down on their IT expenses.

  • Faster deployment: Cloud-based contact centers are set up quickly and effortlessly, which means companies can begin using them as soon as they are ready.

  • Easy to manage:  Cloud-based contact centers can be simple to manage as the service provider is responsible for their maintenance as well as updates.

  • Improved collaboration: Cloud contact centers enable employees to communicate with one as well as with other departments like marketing and sales.

  • Improved reporting: Cloud contact centers offer comprehensive reports that helps businesses monitor their performance and improve customer service.


A cloud-based contact center offers the flexibility, agility, and cost-efficiency needed to adapt to the needs of the ever-changing business landscape. If you’re a small-scale startup or a major enterprise, cloud-based solutions can allow your company to provide exceptional customer experiences while also being flexible to the changing demands and market trends.

Frequently Asked Questions

The distinction in cloud-based contact centers and hosting centers is that a cloud-based contact center can be described as a call center that utilizes cloud computing to offer its services. hosted contact centers are an organization that relies on an outside service to host its hardware, software and data. That means the service provider is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the infrastructure used by the contact center.

Virtual contact centers are a place in which all employees of customer support work remotely from various locations.

There are also three main types of cloud computing services: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platforms-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

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