Implement Practical Artificial Intelligence For Your Service Management

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is one of the hottest trends in the current digital landscape with tons of hype behind it. Almost every business with a digital presence has plans to deploy some form of AI, whether it’s to streamline their business processes or help deliver a better customer experience. ITSM is no different, with every CIO seeing AI as a strategic tool to boost efficiency, organizational intelligence, and client satisfaction.

While there is no shortage of content about AI, it can be difficult to move past the hype of AI and understand what can be done practically with AI technologies for ITSM. AI is a promising, but potentially confusing topic. AI is also a continuously developing field. Current AI technology, while only scratching the surface of what AI is capable of in the next couple of decades, is very powerful and capable of practical applications. Many vendors should implement AI in its current state, since first-generation technology can have a big impact on the ITSM landscape.

With current AI technology, many implementations are possible to help boost ITSM operations. AI is perfectly suited for integration with many ITSM processes, especially incident management, service catalog, and change management. Some implementations of AI that can enhance the ITSM process include voice and biometric ID recognition for user identification and authentication, AI-driven analytics through Natural Language Processing for better solution delivery, self-service for access to knowledge bases and service catalogs, and analyst assistance during interactions with clients through suggested responses and sentiment analysis.

AI-powered ITSM technologies can be implemented in very practical applications, and have been shown to have a dramatic impact on ITSM operations. AI-powered technologies have reduced the total time required to create a service request by 80% and can reduce the number of calls by 20-30% One key here is to start simple by identifying one or two ITSM processes to support with AI, implementing these solutions, and then reviewing what went well and what challenges were experienced before moving on to the next phase. This iterative approach, with short and achievable project phases, is a proven approach that can lead to a successful introduction of AI into your ITSM operations.

For the full guide on how to turbocharge your IT service management, check out Bright Pattern’s newest ebook “How to Turbocharge Your IT Service Management”.

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