What time should you not cold call?

Best Times To Cold Call: Increase Your Success Rate

What time should you not cold call

Cold Calling at the right time increases your chances of closing a deal

Deciding the most effective times to call cold is an excellent way to boost the effectiveness of your business’s sales department. Prospective customers may be more inclined to listen to your message based on the time of day they are at work and week. Knowing What time you should not cold call? will help you become more effective in sales over the long run.

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Time Should Not Cold Call

What Time Should You Not Cold Call?

What Time Should You Not Cold Call? The most dangerous times to not call cold are between 9 and 10:30 am, 12:30 pm, and 7 pm after.
Don’t Cold Call During These Times:
9-10:30 am
  • Reason: The day's meetings and agenda are top-of-mind for your prospect
1-2:30 pm
  • Reason: After lunch, prospect is low-energy
After 7 pm
  • Reason: Respect of privacy / family time

What is Cold Calling?

The term “cold calling” refers to the act of calling customers who have never before expressed desire to purchase your products or services in any way. Cold calling could be conducted via phone or in person (door-to-door salespersons) or via email. From the perspective of the customer it’s a call that is not solicited from a business aimed at offering them something.
If you think about it this way it’s easy to understand why cold calling has the worst rap. You’re soliciting your sales team to contact potential customers from out of random, interrupting their work to create a sales message. Some people don’t enjoy cold calls, whether you’re calling a customer or receiving a cold phone call. However, it’s still a viable and extremely effective sales strategy as long as you execute it correctly.
What is Cold Calling?
Warm calling However, warm calling means that you’re calling someone who has spoken to you or is interested in purchasing an item from you. They might have filled out a questionnaire or sent an email or contacted an agent during the conference. It is not surprising that warm calls have more conversion rates over cold ones.

What are the worst times to make sales calls?

On the flip other hand, there’s instances when reps shouldn’t cold-call prospects. Here are a few of the worst examples:
  • After hours & weekends. Invading a family’s dinner or time to relax can leave poor impressions. While some are online all hours of the day, not everyone. It’s probably not worthwhile for a representative to take the risk.

  • Too early in the morning.  For the majority of people, early mornings are an opportunity to concentrate, do intense work, and complete tasks with no interruptions. If you don’t adhere to these hours, it could put your reps into poor graces.

  • Federal holidays. The United States. In North America, federal holidays are a big deal among people. Disrupting the Thanksgiving meal or Christmas celebrations makes your reps appear out of control and in desperate — two characteristics that won’t be helping you close more deals.

  • When everybody else is calling. Even though calling during high conversion hours can increase the probability of receiving an answer, it’s the time when there’s the highest competition. Therefore, your representatives should be well-organized. The off-hours can, contrary to belief, be the most ideal time to make a call because you won’t have to compete to get their attention.

    Your representatives only have one chance to create an impression. By calling potential customers in a manner that isn’t their style and at a time that isn’t ideal, they will not only lower the likelihood of getting the agreement going forward, but could negatively impact your image.

When Is The Best Time To Cold Call?

The ideal time to contact prospects is largely dependent on the industry you’re in and your potential customer’s needs There’s plenty of data that point towards specific trends. The most effective times to call cold are between 9 am and 4 pm, when most people are at work and between 10 am and 2 pm are the best responses.
The data is obtained and analyzed by PhoneBurner. It is logical that customers are more open to answering calls during working hours, allowing them to relax and relax at night. Mornings after lunch and towards the end of work are the ideal time of day to cold-call. It’s between 10 am and 11 am, and 3 pm to 5 pm.

When are the Worst Days for Cold Calling?

For greater success rates Avoid calling prospective customers on the following days or times:
  • Monday mornings: Someone will be occupied making plans for their week, fighting blues on Mondays, and working on projects that they’ve accumulated over the weekend. You don’t wish to overburden them.

  • Friday: Although you should avoid it all day long, you should n’t call in the second part during the afternoon. Many people are anticipating the weekend and are less likely to establish an ongoing relationship with a salesperson.
What are the Best Days for Cold Calling

What are the Best Days for Cold Calling?

Saturday and Sunday are days off for the majority of people living in the United States. Although this might seem like an ideal time to make a call, prospects may not be receptive to sales calls these days. This could result in a sense of annoyance that might stop any future calls to follow up.
Mondays are not in the question since this is among the most busy days during the week. Prospects tend to be focused on their work and insist that they do not make calls that are not related to their job. Even if they do answer the call and spend a bit of time listening to a sales message the majority of prospects have too many things in their head to know what the salesperson is providing.
Based on studies conducted by CallHippo the ideal time to buy is located in midweek.
  • Tuesdays
  • Wednesdays
  • Thursdays
If your agent has to contact a client with a high value then Wednesday is the most effective of the three. If you compare it to the amount of conversations that occur on Monday, Wednesday has 46% more.

Other Timing Factors to Consider When Cold Calling

  • Time zones: Use a tool like timeanddate.com to track time zones. This will prevent you from making calls during work hours, and will help you create a schedule for your calls. For instance, if you are in people in the 5 p.m time frame it is logical to begin your prospecting with EDT, and then move toward CDT MDT then PDT.

  • Busy seasons:  Retailers, for instance, are extremely busy in the period of Christmas (late November through early January) and they are less likely to wish to begin the process of establishing a new relationship with their salesperson during this time.

  • Holidays and conferences: Be sure to plan the volume of calls around holiday or vacation times, and know when conference season is within your field.

  • Fiscal year: Looking for a prospective client near the close of that fiscal year may be a good idea since 1.) they may have wrapped the major projects,) they might be planning their budget and) they may have extra budgets to spend. Remember that dates for fiscal years vary.
Cold Calling Statistics That Will Change How You Prospect

5 Cold Calling Statistics That Will Change How You Prospect

Here are five key figures that will alter how you handle your prospecting tasks:
  1. Best Times To Cold Call –  4:00-5:00 is the ideal. The 2nd most effective time is between 8:00 and 10:00. The worst times to make a cold call are 11:00am and 2:00pm.

  2. Best Days To Cold Call – Thursday is the ideal day to make cold calls. Wednesday is the second most productive day. Tuesday is the day that’s the worst (and you’d probably think you were on Monday).

  3. Dials/Contacts Ratio –  In 2007, it required the average 3.68 cold-call attempts to connect with a potential customer. It’s now 8 attempts.

  4. Number of Attempts – The average salesperson quits after just 2 attempts at contacting a prospect. Learn to be persevering.

  5. Decision Makers – In a typical company that has 100 to 500 employees An average of seven people are involved in the majority of buying decisions. Learn to cold call several individuals in each account.

Tips for Cold Calling Success

Doing the same thing over and over again is not a sexually attractive lead generation technique. It’s old-fashioned, and it’s possible that you’d prefer emails or text messages over it. However, 50% of buyers prefer to be contacted via phone. Here are a few easy tips for cold-calling to be successful:
Create a daily cold calling action plan: Are you experiencing an unproductive sales period or are you prone to be distracted throughout your workday? Do you need structured, deep work sessions? along with planned periods of time dedicated to prospecting by phone can be helpful.
Follow cold calling timing best practices (but…): In this article, we’ve established the following timings that work best to get higher response rates:
  • The late mornings approximately 11am (right just before the lunch break) or late in the afternoons from 4 and five pm (before the close of the day) are the most productive timings for cold calls.

  • The week’s middle (Wednesdays as well as Thursdays) are the most effective days to get in touch with potential customers.
Additionally the current times and days aren’t ideal.
  • Mornings on Mondays (or early mornings generally) can be stressful for your potential customers. Therefore, they may not have the time to answer your calls.

  • Fridays can be a problem when people are preparing to go out on the town (and could not make an offer).
However, the wider context of your company and individual lead are important. If you discover that a potential lead has been at a company gathering on Wednesday and Thursday, think about making contact on Friday.
Don’t follow the guidelines if it will help speed up your response time If you want to contact a lead right in the moment, even if the lead arrives at 4:30pm on Friday. In the event of a delay, you could dramatically reduce your call and qualification rate.
Create a persuasive marketing pitch. must come up with a cold call script that is customized to you, your product you offer and the people you want to sell it to. You can tweak it as you go by analyzing the best practices and what does not.
Make recordings of your phone calls. Instead of costly sales training as well as coaching, just do a simple exercise:
  • Conduct a large number of cold calls and keep a record of these

  • Replay your listening to find out what you missed and correct your mistakes
This is enough to be a professional cold calling.
Keep tabs on your sales performance: Granularly monitoring your cold call conversion funnel and KPIs are essential. It will allow you to understand how you’re doing throughout the various stages of your sales funnel.
Religiously follow up:  Look for at least six phone attempts in a period of 15 days prior to ending an opportunity. Perhaps you can keep pursuing until you get a no. That’s my approach to making contact with the investor a total of 48 times in order to schedule a meeting.
Leverage automation in your cold calling: The Close CRM has an integrated predictive dialer. This means you no longer have to linger and sit and wait for people to answer your calls.

Final Thoughts

It’s recommended to conduct your own research before you call a prospect. In the end, the ideal time to make a cold call for one person may not be the same for another. Verify their time zone and be sure that they’re not out of the office or an important product launch planned for the near future. If you contact the buyer in a state of stress the result is the buyer not being as patient and calling only after an event that has been successful might lead to a higher conversion rate. Therefore, while these cold call data are crucial in deciding the ideal time to make a call, they are more than a general guideline. The greatest chance for success is through the research you conduct, your call script, and opening line.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do not make calls before 9 am or after 9 pm to ensure that you don’t wake anyone asleep. It’s rude to call someone who is too early or late, regardless of how early they wake up, or what time they fall asleep. The most appropriate time to make cold calls is between 9am and 4 pm, when most people are working, and between 10 am and 2 pm are the best time to respond.

Do not make calls before 9 am or after 9 pm to ensure that you don’t wake anyone asleep. It’s rude to call someone who is too early or late, regardless of how early they wake up, or what time they fall asleep. The most appropriate time to make cold calls is between 9am and 4 pm, when most people are working, and between 10 am and 2 pm are the best time to respond.

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